Cold composting Vs Hot Composting

Normal treating the soil, otherwise called "cold composting", includes putting an assortment of natural materials in a fertilizer receptacle, fenced in area, or even just in an enormous pile, and leaving it there until it separates a while later. It's an exceptionally moderate procedure and normally takes 6 to a year. It very well may be accelerated by turning the manure, that is, moving around the material at the base of the store to the top and the other way around to blend it up and get more oxygen in there, yet it's as yet a long pause.

The other way to deal with treating the soil is "hot fertilizing the soil", which produces compost in an a lot shorter time. It has the advantages of murdering weed seeds and pathogens (ailments), and separating the material into fine fertilizer. Interestingly, cold fertilizing the soil does not demolish seeds, so on the off chance that you cold manure weeds, any weed seeds will develop when you put the fertilizer into the nursery.

Cold fertilizing the soil does not crush pathogens either, so in the event that you put ailing plants into your virus manure, the illnesses may spread into the greenhouse, subsequently the basic guidance not to (cold) fertilizer infected plants. The other issue with virus fertilizing the soil is that you end up with heaps of enormous pieces left over in the fertilizer when the procedure is finished, while hot manure looks like fine dark humus (soil).

One hot fertilizing the soil strategy, the Berkeley technique, created by the University of California, Berkley, is a quick, effective, high-temperature, treating the soil procedure which will deliver top notch manure in 18 days.

The prerequisites for hot treating the soil utilizing the Berkley strategy are as per the following:

  • Fertilizer temperature is kept up between 55-65 degrees Celsius 
  • The C:N (carbon:nitrogen) balance in the treating the soil materials is around 25-30:1 
  • The fertilizer store should be generally 1.5m high 
  • On the off chance that treating the soil material is high in carbon, for example, tree limbs, they should be separated, for example, with a crusher.
  • Manure is abandoned outside to inside and the other way around to blend it altogether 
  • With the multi day Berkley strategy, the method is very direct: 
  • Manufacture manure pile 
  • 4days – no turning. At that point turn each second day for 14 days (You can use Tongda compost turning machines).


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